Green Electricity price plans to reduce carbon footprint
Green Electricity*
We are committed to making it as easy as possible for our customers to make changes for a brighter energy future and switching to our Green Electricity price plan is a simple way to cut your carbon emission and reduce your impact on the environment.
View prices & join today
Benefits of a Green Electricity price plan
All customers who opt for green electricity will get:
• Guaranteed Renewable Electricity*
• A discount rate of up to 8.5% that doesn’t disappear**

Join us today
Call our sales team on
1800 30 50 90
(8am - 8pm Mon - Fri, 9am - 5.30pm Sat)
* Electric Ireland guarantees that the electricity supplied to you under this price plan is sourced from renewable generation, in accordance with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities Green Source Product Verification process.
** Existing customers will retain their current discount rate up to 8.5% with dual fuel, Direct Debit and Online Billing
Prices valid as of 1st May 2023 and subject to change. Early termination fee of €50 per single fuel applies if you cancel during your 12-month contract. Terms and Conditions apply. The Estimated Annual Bill (EAB) is an estimate of the average household’s cost for electricity and gas for a year and includes VAT and all energy-related charges such as the Standing Charge and PSO Levy for electricity and the Standing Charge and Carbon Tax for gas. The Estimated Annual Bill is based on annual average consumption of 4,200kWh for electricity and 11,000kWh for gas. These figures are approved by the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU). See our Estimated Annual Bill FAQ for more details.