How to get the most from your Nest Learning Thermostat this winter

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When should I check my schedule?
With colder weather coming in, you should now take the time to check your schedule and ensure it’s right for your home during winter. Reviewing and editing your schedule is easy – just use your smartphone / tablet app, or use the Nest Thermostat directly.
How do I turn my Nest on and off?
Simply put, you don’t need to! Just turn the dial to your desired temperature, or increase/decrease the temperature through the app, and Nest will take care of the rest. Your Nest will turn orange when your heating is on, and black when it’s off.
With colder weather coming in, you should now take the time to check your schedule and ensure it’s right for your home during winter. Reviewing and editing your schedule is easy – just use your smartphone / tablet app, or use the Nest Thermostat directly.
What is Auto-Away, and how do I set it up?
When you’re not at home, the Nest Thermostat automatically turns to Auto-Away, an energy-efficient’ Away temperature’. By learning when you are and aren’t at home, Nest will remember to save energy, even if you forget. Just make sure that your Away temperature is set to a lower degree than the temperature you use while at home.
How can I find out how much energy I’m using?
With Nest’s expanded Energy History view, you have the insights you need to understand your energy bill. Energy History shows you when your heating was on in the last 10 days, and whether the weather, your adjustments or Away settings have affected your energy use. You can view your Energy History via your monthly report, on the Web app, through the smartphone app, and on the Nest Thermostat itself.