Safety & Emergencies
Safety Guides
How do I know if the gas supply is on or off?
The gas supply to your meter is controlled by an isolation valve. The valve is fitted immediately upstream of the gas meter.
Current regulations require that the operation of the isolation valve from fully ‘on’ to fully ‘off’ must be by a quarter turn of an easily operated handle, clearly marked to show the ‘off’ position.
The valve is in the ‘off’ position when it is at a right angle to the pipe.

If the natural gas shut off valve is hard to reach or will not operate, call Gas Networks Ireland on 1850 200 694.
Current regulations require that the operation of the isolation valve from fully ‘on’ to fully ‘off’ must be by a quarter turn of an easily operated handle, clearly marked to show the ‘off’ position.
The valve is in the ‘off’ position when it is at a right angle to the pipe.

If the natural gas shut off valve is hard to reach or will not operate, call Gas Networks Ireland on 1850 200 694.
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