How can I pay my Electric Ireland electricity and gas bill?
Paying your bill has never been easier. And now there’s a range of payment options designed to make paying your bill more convenient than ever before.
You can choose to pay by Debit or Debit or Credit Card Card, sign up sign up for Direct Debit for Direct Debit or Gas Gas Equaliser or pay using one of the following options:
Your Account Online
You can pay your electricity and/or gas bill by logging in to Your Account Online. If you have not already registered you can do so now and start enjoying simple and secure payments.


You can also pay your bill at shops displaying the payzone logo. You will need your Easypay card or a copy of your bill when making payments.
If you want to receive an Easypay card please contact us
Pay As You Go
You can top up your Smarter Pay As You Go meter at anytime using the following form.
By bank
Pay by electronic transfer using the bank details provided on your bill.

Bank of Ireland ATM
Bank of Ireland customers can pay their bills at any Bank of Ireland ATM. Online banking - Pay through your bank's internet (or telephone) banking service. Remember to quote your 9 digit Electric Ireland Account Number in the reference field.

Use, the free online bill-paying service offered by An Post.
By post
We do not accept cash by post. Please send a cheque (drawn on a licensed bank) made payable to Electric Ireland along with your counterfoil at the bottom of the bill to:
PO Box 323
Little Island
Save time with the app
Open your mobile app on the home screen and using the quick access menu at the bottom of your screen select Payments, the icon is a € symbol.
Here you can set up a monthly direct debit to save your worrying about making individual payments again. Select "Direct Debit set up" and once you are on that screen, enter your details and press submit.
To make a once off payment, enter the amount you want to pay and press the "Pay" button. This will bring you to a secure payment window where you can make a payment directly to your account.
See download options for our PAY AS YOU GO APP
Household Budget Scheme
For more information and an application form please visit the An Post website.